Tag Archives: sillybandz

www.SillyBandz.com – Where to Buy Silly Bandz

Where can I purchase Silly Bandz? See www.sillybandz.com, an online specialty store selling silly bandz (also known as animal rubber bands or silly bands).

Sillybandz.com is an online specialty shop where consumers can shop for silly bandz and related decorating accessories such as SillyBandz Ouchies 4 Girlz, SillyButtons, SillyBandz Cribinerz and the like. This web site is owned and operated by BCP Imports, LLC., an American company with its office physically located in Toledo, Ohio. Besides this website, BCP Imports, LLC. also owns several other sites such as www.silly-bandz.com and www.brainchildproducts.com. The brainchildproducts web site is another online store where they sell Silly Caribinerz, Silicone Bracelets and many other small gifts and accessories.

On http://www.sillybandz.com, they are selling popular products such as Justin Bieber Silly Bandz. This Justin Bieber pack was first introduced in the fall of 2010. If you are a Justin Bieber’s fan, you may like this pack which contains the bands shaped like Justin’s hat, Bieber heart, Singin Justin and many other cute shapes related to this talented artist.

At this sillybandz store, consumers can also select from hundreds of  designs to build their own pack. Just click on the “Build-A-Pack” link on the main page, they will see all the available shapes that they can choose from.

If you have never heard of these products before, you may be interested in knowing the answer to the question: What are Silly Bandz? Simply put, they are nice-looking rubber bands which are worn by kids as bracelets. These special bands are made of silicone rubber and come into different shapes such as animals. That is why they are also known as animal rubber bands. But actually now you can find these rubber bands in almost any shape and some of them are designed for fans of many popular TV shows and celebrities. They are popular kids fashion accessories and they were even featured on Ellen’s show.

Where can you buy them? Now you can find it at many offline or online major retailers such as Amazon.com and Walmart stores. But sometimes the rarest ones may still be difficult to find. If you want to find out what is the hottest product, you may want to shop online at sillybandz.com. To contact their customer service, you can call these phone numbers: 1-800-921-8661 or 1-419-693-5302 during their working hours or write an email to them at info@brainchildproducts.com.

BCP Imports, LLC. also sells other kids fashion accessories such as Silly Slapz watches (www.sillyslapzwatch.com), Nano Watches and RAD Bandz (www.radbandz.com). All these links are available on http://www.sillybandz.com, a specialty online store.